Have you recived a Gracelet or do you want to find out more about it? This little present is meant to tell you that God loves you very much. The symbols each have a special meaning and a personal message from God for every women “He crowns you with GRACE and Mercy….. ” […]
How it began

It began many years, many generations ago. We remember very well our grandparents, especially our Grandma Helene. She was a very good example for us. From childhood on she had a very deep love for Jesus in her heart and lived her faith even in difficult times. In the hard time of the 2nd World […]
You are the Master`s Piece

When your live takes you down, leaves no joy, no strength, hurts you deeply, you see no way out. When deep wounds and scars bring you pain and doubt And your faith gets low seams to die, Then God will hold out his hand and touches your heart And lovingly he calls onto you. […]
The Butterfly

When the sun came out in the morning one day, I went out in the garden full of joy about all I could see. I saw trees, grass and flowers and a lovely blue sky, in my heart was a song, when I saw, what delighted my eye. There was a butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, […]
beitrag 2
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